This page has some quick Wordle tips if you want to update your daily puzzle-solving approach. We also provide today’s game tips and November 20th (1250) Challenge answers if you need them. Probably so. Maybe not. No matter what happens, you’re going to win.
I tried picking some yellow letters and arranging them in some sort of order, but I couldn’t seem to do anything with them. It just didn’t turn green. Part of that is my fault. OK, it’s all my fault, really. Now I have the answer, but I don’t know why I went through so much trouble. Please don’t go through a similar experience. If you want, take a look at today’s tip.
Wordle Tip of the Day
(Image credit: Josh Wardle)
Wordle of the Day: Tips for Wednesday, November 20th
This might refer to someone who is happy to engage in a highly specialized field or an unusual hobby or interest with an enthusiastic audience.
Are there double letters in Wordle today?
No, there are no double letters in today’s puzzle.
Wordle Help: 3 Tips to Beat Wordle Every Day
Playing Wordle well is like achieving small victories every day. Who doesn’t love achieving a winning streak in a game they enjoy? If you’re new to the Daily Word Game or just want a refresher, here are some simple tips to get you on the path to success.
You want your opening words to have a balanced combination of unique consonants and vowels. A solid second guess helps you quickly narrow down the pool of characters. The answer may contain more than one letter.
There’s no greater time pressure than having to get it done by the end of the day. If you’re having trouble finding the answer or the tactical words for your next guess, it doesn’t hurt to come back later.
today’s word answer
(Image credit: Future)
What is today’s Wordle answer?
Let’s make this Wardle win. Wordle’s answer for November 20th (1250) is NICHE.
Previous Wordle answer
10 Latest Wordle Answers
Knowing previous Wordle solutions will help you eliminate current possibilities. Words are rarely repeated, so you can guess or find inspiration to start with words you haven’t thought of.
Here are some recent Wordle answers:
November 19th: GOING November 18th: FRAIL November 17th: TALLY November 16th: VISOR November 15th: TACKY November 14th: UVULA November 13th: PRIMP November 12th: FLOWN November 11th: STOIC November 10th: INNER
Learn more about Wordle
(Image credit: Nurphoto via Getty)
Wordle displays 6 columns of 5 boxes each day. Your job is to find out which 5-letter word is hidden by removing or checking the letters it contains.
Strong words like LEASH (words that contain multiple vowels, common consonants, and no repeating letters) are a good place to start. When you press Enter, a box will display which characters are correct or incorrect. If the box changes to ⬛️, that means that character is not in the secret word at all. 🟨 means the character is in the word but not in that position. 🟩 means you have the right character in the right position.
The second time you have to complete the first word. Use another “good” guess to cover common letters you missed last time, while also avoiding letters that you know have no facts in today’s answer. Then all you have to do is use what you’ve learned to narrow down your guess to the correct word. There are a total of 6 trials and you can only use real words (so you don’t have to type EEEEE in the box to see if there is an E). Remember that letters can also be repeated (e.g. BOOKS).
For more advice, check out Wordle’s tips. If you would like to see words already used, please scroll to the relevant section above.
Wordle was originally conceived by software engineer Josh Wardle as a surprise for his partner who loves playing with words. From there, it was passed on to family members, and it was finally opened to the public. Since then, this word puzzle game has inspired many games like Wordle, which has refocused everyday tricks like music, math, and geography. It wasn’t long before Wordle became so popular that it was sold to the New York Times for seven figures. Indeed, it’s only a matter of time before we all communicate exclusively through tri-colored boxes.