New true crime docs are being released, including “This is the Zodiac Speakers” and “Breath of Fire.” Horror movies like “Azrael” and “Trap” are also available for streaming. Shows such as “What We Do in the Shadows” and “Somebody” are available. Somewhere” is back this week.
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This week saw the premiere of two fascinating true crime documentary series.
One investigates family allegations about the identity of the infamous Zodiac Killer. The other is about Max, and the rise and fall of the millennial yoga guru.
There are also a lot of horror movies that are new to the streamer. These include the killer pumpkin comedy “Carved” and the Josh Hartnett concert thriller “Trap.”
On the scripted television side, several new and returning shows have released episodes. “Territory” and “Beauty in Black” premiered on Netflix, while “Somebody Somewhere” and “What We Do in the Shadows” each premiered their final seasons.
Here we’ve rounded up the best movies, shows, and documentaries you can stream this weekend, organized by the type of entertainment you’re looking for.