Just in time for Halloween, the creators of the hit animated film Sing have put together a spooky new take on Michael Jackson’s classic song “Thriller.” In this animated short film based on Jackson’s own groundbreaking music videos, animal musicians are tasked with delivering new and shocking performances. But as the song says, they may have to contend with creatures crawling through their neighborhood. However, in this case, the crawling act looks more like a dance. Directed by Garth Jennings (The Thing, The Thing 2) and directed by Chris Meledandri (The Despicable Me series, The Thing series, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, The Secret Life) Produced by The Grinch, The Lorax, and The Grinch), this film is one of a kind. You won’t want to miss it.
“I don’t know if I would enjoy making something this much while working on ‘Sing: Thriller,'” Jennings told Tudham. “Illumination’s incredible cast and team of geniuses have gone above and beyond to take one of the biggest hits of all time and create a new and special treat for Halloween.”
Read on to find out more, and check out Sing: Thriller when it arrives on Netflix near midnight! In the meantime, grab your popcorn and rewatch the original Sing, now streaming. Why not try it?
What is Sing: Thriller?
After staging an epic version of “Thriller” at the New Moon Theater, Buster Moon and the cast of The Thing leave for a celebration at Clay Calloway’s Halloween Party. But when the heroes arrive, they discover that a mysterious, colorful exudate has turned Clay and his guests into dancing freaks.
“Few songs have had as much cultural impact as ‘Thriller,'” says Meledandri. “With its infectious rhythms, iconic dance moves, and unforgettable beats, it continues to inspire generations. A new short film featuring the beloved characters from Sing is a classic… It aims to captivate those you know and love while inviting new audiences to discover it in a fun and exciting way. It is a timeless celebration of music, creativity and joy for people all over the world. ”
When will The Thing: Thriller be available on Netflix?
The Thing: Thriller is now streaming on Netflix.
Can I watch the trailer for Sing: Thriller?
yes! Take your seats, the show is about to begin.
Who is in the cast of Sing: Thriller?
Many of the original cast members from the Sing movies will also return for Sing: Thriller.
Are there other Halloween movies for kids on Netflix?
yes! Lots of booty suggestions to enjoy this holiday season with Netflix’s collection of “not-so-scary” titles, including The Bad Guys: Haunted Heist, Mighty Monsterwheelies, and Jurassic World: Chaos Theory Season 2 there is.