Nintendo’s President Furukawa talked to the media for the first time since Nintendo Switch 2 was announced, and he appeared on a record and prepared to launch Menten Switch 2.
“We take all possible measures based on the accumulated experience (scalper, etc.). We are preparing.” It indicates that it is planning based on the big assignment of.
It has been well documented that Nintendo has been strengthening the production of Nintendo Switch 2 for a while to meet the demand, but there are other means for pre -ordering that holds the recent raffle. It would be interesting to check if it was. Nintendo Alamo, Nintendo Switch 2 experience and other experiences are recent experiences, but it may be difficult to adjust with a local retailer.
Anyway, even if Nintendo, a Nintendo Switch 2 unit, can produce Nintendo, Gamers have been waiting for Nintendo’s switch 2 at this point, so they will have a hard time catching up with demand. The original Nintendo Switch has caught up with Nintendo DS and PS2 over 150 million units sold.