The popular CBS courtroom drama “Matlock,” starring Kathy Bates, has become the network’s first show to be renewed for next season. The series, a gender-flipped reimagining of Andy Griffith’s successful show of the same name, premiered on CBS on September 22 and was watched by 7.74 million viewers. In the series, Bates plays the role of Madeline “Mattie” Matlock. Madeline “Mattie” Matlock is a brilliant but aging former lawyer who returns to work at a prestigious law firm and uses an unconventional approach to win cases.
The show’s positive reviews have been noted, with the second episode drawing 6.38 million viewers, and according to Deadline, CBS has already decided to greenlight a second season. “Matlock” has set a CBS record since 2019’s “The Code” for having the most viewers for a series’ first broadcast outside of the Super Bowl, and expectations are high for the 18-episode first season. . CBS Entertainment President Amy Reisenbach praised the show and its clever development before saying she was excited to move forward with Season 2. Read Reisenbach’s full comments below.
This reimagined Matlock was conceived by Jenny Snyder Urman with a brilliant surprise plot twist. And the moment we saw the first episode, brought to life by the incredibly talented Kathy Bates, we knew we were in for something very special. Audience reception and critical acclaim were overwhelming. I can’t wait for the second season to start.
What Matlock’s season 2 renewal means for the show’s long-term future
Early signs suggest CBS has another hit on its hands.
Matlock has only aired two episodes yet, but the show has been posting impressive numbers, and CBS clearly has enough faith in viewer interest over 18 episodes to at least give Matlock a run for its money. ” I believe this is enough to see a strong performance in season 2. With an engaging storyline and a strong and convincing lead actor in Kathy Bates, the show has the ingredients in place for success. It really depends on the creative direction, but the storylines are plentiful. It may be explored in future seasons.
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Kathy Bates’ Matlock will go on hiatus after the pilot, meaning fans will have to wait even longer to find out what’s next for the big plot twist.
The pilot introduced a shocking development that changes everything, perhaps the show’s biggest selling point. Matlock is not who she pretends to be and only took a job at a law firm because her daughter died from opioids that were supposed to be taken off the market, but one of the partners at the firm They concealed evidence that could have excluded him. Matlock’s strong twist makes for an engaging plot, but it also presents potential narrative problems that could become problematic in later seasons.
Our take on Matlock season 2 and beyond.
Is the show bound by its own plot twists?
There are good signs for the future of Matlock, but I think the show may struggle beyond season two due to the limiting nature of its original twists. Despite how good this series is, the natural conclusion to the story is when Matty discovers the identity of the people who hid the documents and confronts them.
Of course, it’s possible to take the show beyond this point. However, it’s unclear whether this would work creatively, as it would require changing Matlock’s tone and delivery, which could potentially cause viewers to lose interest. Fortunately, the show has had plenty of time to find its rhythm and consider what kind of future it wants, and will continue through at least the 2025-2026 TV season.
Source: Deadline
Release date: September 22, 2024
Starring Kathy Bates, Jason Ritter, Skye P. Marshall, David Del Rio, Leah Lewis, Aaron Harris, Emme Ikwako, Beau Bridges, Sam Anderson, Jordyn Weitz, Henry Allen , Colleen Camp
Characters Madeleine Matlock, Julián, Olympia, Billy, Sarah, Alfie Kingston, Elijah Walker, Senior Partner, Katherine Lawrence-Markston, Courtney (Court) Lawrence-Markston