Thanks to SQUARE ENIX and Razer, there is a very limited edition Razer Kraken Cait’y (Razer Kraken V4) Wireless Headset and Final Fantasy VII REBIRTH 804 Gained for .95 。
Created with respect for Kate Sith, a favorite cat of all Final Fantasy fans, it is a unique take on Razor’s beloved “KRAKEN KITTY” game headset. The custom headphone is a changed version of the Razer Kraken V4 wireless game headset.
Win: Custom Final Fantasy 7 Rebirthrazer Kraken Caity Wireless Headset
If the form is not loaded, click here to enter. This contest will end at 11:59 pm on February 2. It is open only to ANZ residents.
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH is currently published on PC (and PS5), so please click here for details. We gave 9/10 to the game in the review and stated: It plays well, looks good, and is the best final fantasy PC port in recent memories. “
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth PC Function
Lighting -Lighting is adjusted, and the overall light rendering of the game has been greatly improved. The updated areas and cut scenes have a greater beauty and clarity than before. Frame rate and resolution -NVIDIA DLSS support means that the frame rate can be enhanced and image quality can be increased. Currently, there is also a support for variable refresh rate (VRR). Texture -Background Model’s detailed level (LOD) and background texture MIP maps can be freely configured in options. With this background, you can set polygon density and texture density higher than before, enabling game play with high quality graphics. Controller input support -Connecting a dual sense controller to a PC allows the player to use the same control as the PS5 version. The keyboard and mouse support are also added with the options to freely customize the control between the world exploration and battle, or the control between mini -games. Steam deck -Steam deck is also verified.
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