We love to pretend we’re not doing it. That we are above that. But really, aren’t we all guilty of scrolling on our phones while watching TV? And hey, no judgment here. I, too, am a perpetrator of consuming content on multiple screens at once.
With attention spans reaching historic lows, it’s no surprise that our attention spans are fragmented. Two screens at the same time is the new norm, right?
But what is a good “background show”? I’m talking about a show that plays in the background and can be played on the big screen while you tap on the small screen.
In my humble opinion, the criteria for a worthwhile “background show” is simple.
You need something that spans multiple seasons. That way, you can keep it running forever and rely on its autoplay feature to work overtime. Short, sweet episodes are key (preferably under 30 minutes), and major deaths are definitely not allowed. Except when there is a humorous death. I personally want at least one romantic subplot to make sure there’s something to move me when I decide to move on. Often it should be something that you have paid attention to at least once.
But ultimately, find shows that you can easily drop in and out of between scrolling through Instagram and responding to text messages. Something easy and stress-free.
In honor of a generation with short attention spans, we asked the women around Mama Mia for their suggestions. So here are the eight best shows to watch while you’re scrolling. You can thank me later.